Over the course of the last couple of weeks, I've started and stopped many blog posts. It seemed that I had like 6 working ideas going at once. Almost daily, an idea or an inspiration was put upon me and I'd whip out my bible and and grab some passages to relate to what I wanted to share. HOWEVER, there was an unjustified pressure placed on me, by me, to somehow produce something that was worth reading, something that would encourage anyone who read it. I would be remiss if I didn't confess that on some level, my English Degree was coming out in me and that "THIRD EYE" was inhibiting me from just putting it out there and sharing. This is all very ironic to me considering the fact that my intent behind starting up my blog again was for the sole purpose to lift others up, by sharing how God was moving in my life! I've found that for me...when I'm authenticating my life in Christ, by sharing it with believers and non believers alike, my life has more impact when I'm sharing with the candor that MOST would attribute to me. Do I believe that God has gifted me with an ability to have insight and wisdom pertaining to life's happenings in a biblical way? Absolutely! However, I don't need to limit the Holy Spirit at work in my life and my circumstance by editing and over-editing to the point of not sharing! That's for certain!
SO...think of this post as the first post in a while that is getting back to MEL. I think it's safe to assume that most people who know me well, know that I'm a very open person, maybe even too open at times!!! :) Do I prize privacy? Yes, but not at the expense of biblical accountability through confession, through sharing and inviting others to speak into my life. I find that biblical transparency is almost always hindered in many believers by the fear of rejection, the fear of judgment, the prideful resistance to enabling correction through biblical truth into their lives. I so desire to use this gift of openness to invite others to participate in it as well! When we talk about FREEDOM in Christ, this is one means to experience the fullness of it. Am I limiting what it means to be transparent to only the "correction by sharing" aspect of fellowship? I'm not trying to, but let's be real...that's where disconnect often starts. When we're unwilling to open up and divulge the details of our struggles in life, we rob others we are in community with the ability to relate, to help, to fully support us in it. Conversely, it becomes difficult to share in the Joyful times, the times we should be celebrating! When we close ourselves up to constantly filtering the how, the when, the what if's, it's too easy to fall into the pattern of not disclosing or sharing altogether! What a shame that is. We short change the healing and connective power of biblical fellowship and then we miss out on the fullness, the richness of Christ's redemptive love in and through one another.
In a nutshell, what today's post purposes to accomplish, is to first remind myself to get back to the roots of who I am in Christ and how God has built me for his good works. Secondly, this serves to encourage YOU to take a step in faith by going out of your way to share who YOU are in Christ with others! Will you be misunderstood sometimes? Yes. Is there a cost? YES...your pride, your ego. But is it worth it???? YES YES YES...the fruit that comes from this continued experience is wonderfully sweet my friends!
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