I recently attended the 33rd Annual Racial Ethnic Seminarians Conference for the PCUSA. I met a lot of pretty amazing people, life long partners in Ministry for sure! My new sister in Christ from Fuller Seminary in San Fransisco introduced me to the website of her New Testament Professor, J.R. Daniel Kirk called STORIED THEOLOGY.
He has set up a Reading Schedule for 2011 to go through and read Karl Barth's Church Dogmatics. Along the way, Kirk will be responding theologically to the readings. Journey along with Dr. Kirk and exegete for yourselves the work of one of the most stunning theologians of the 20th Century in my opinion. God Speed Friends and Theologians!
If you are otherwise tied up with copious amounts of reading as it were, then you may also appreciate an overview of the 14 volume Church Dogmatics condensed into a book called Karl Barth Dogmatics in Outline.
FYI: Church Dogmatics, the Full 14 vol. set is available for $99.99. Click above on the hyperlink to purchase.
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