It's hard to believe that the time has already come for me to start my studies at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary! In some ways, this new chapter in my life has been a long time coming and in other ways, it's come up way too quickly for me to even wrap my mind around! I took my time driving out here. I set no agenda for myself, stopping when I wanted to stop and driving for as long as I wanted. At my pace, I made it to Pittsburgh in two days! If I'm being honest, I think in some ways I was delaying the process because it was ridiculously difficult to say good bye to dear friends, family and co workers.
Settling into my new studio apartment has taken some getting used to. No complaints of course, but it has been a while since I've had contend with the noises and sounds of a bustling city, neighbors and the likes of heavy doors opening and slamming shut. On the one hand there's that, but on the other, I have a network of people to share in this living experience! I have even benefitted from the kindness of my upstairs neighbor. In passing conversation, it was brought up that I had no furniture. I knew I would have to haul my stuff by myself so I have opted to slowly invest and build up a collection over time. One purchase that I mentioned was on the top of my list is a bed. From that mention came her offer for me to borrow a futon matress she was not using. I had spent the first three nights on the floor and so this was a much welcomed gesture...especially after having to move all of my stuff alone! Did I mention I had to move my stuff all by myself???? Okay enough with the pity party right. My place is starting to feel like home. I would say that the bulk of my boxes and bins were full of kitchen ware, appliances, dish and glassware as well as an extensive collection of spices and pantry mainstays. I may not have a couch, I don't have a TV or an extensive shelving system, but my kitchen stuff is neatly put away!!! I've already cooked a few meals and have even baked cookies in my cute little kitchen.
Lastly I wanted to mention that I am in need of prayers! The realization that I'll be studying under a world class faculty is exciting, but daunting. I'm having a hard time disassociating my undergrad experience to the one I'm about to begin. I just ask that you would pray for me to have a deep dependcance on the Lord for strength in order that I may honor Him during my time of studying. During Orientation, it was mentioned a few times that although grades are a big component of our education, getting perfect grades is not the end all be all of this experience. This school is very passionate about producing pastors but in the same breath, their commitment to academic excellence is not matched by many other Seminaries. School came easy to me growing up and I developed some lazy study habits. It wasn't until my last year of my Undergrad that I felt like I broke the bulk of them. I realize that seminary is completely different in terms of the nature of the course work and the fact that I get to engage daily in Theology and eventually come out conformed to be more like Christ through this transforming experience. I know this to be truth, but that doesn't mean that I'm not struck with the weight of this responsibility and gift! Afterall, this is meant to equip me to pastor God's people in vocational ministry one day! So, if you could just be praying this for me as I'm ramping up to start classes, I would be most grateful.
My address is 700 N. Highland Ave. Apt.# 311, Pittsburgh, PA 15206. Please feel free to send notes and cards! I'll need the encouragement! Since I know that some of you are already wanting to send care packages...God Bless you for that! Please send it to my school mailbox to ensure safe delivery. That address is 616 N. Highland Ave. Box# 67, Pittsburgh, PA 15206.
I love you all and I miss you more than I can even express. Thank you for your prayers and all the well wishes at each turn of this adventure!
Blessings upon blessings...
P.S. Yes, I did take this picture, with my lame, stone aged digital camera and I still got skills so those of you that I know are gonna give me a hard time about my camera...can suck it!!! :)
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