Tuesday, May 26, 2009

To Blog or Not to Blog...That is the Question.

Do you follow blogs? Do you blog yourself or are you thinking about starting one up? Read this article I came across in the Boundless Webzine. It tackles a lot of the heart issues pertaining to the cost vs. benefit of reading or writing blogs. Ultimately we should ask ourselves who our blogs benefit and most of all...who does it honor? This was a balanced approach to an issue that is very relevant and an overall helpful article. I hope you walk away with as much as I did. Blessings! ~MEL

P.S. I had some issues with embedding the link (this is not the first time this has happened) so here is the the Url: http://www.boundless.org/2005/articles/a0001340.cfm

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

For the Tape Your Eyelids Open Kind of Mondays...

Mondays are hard. Let's be real about this fact. It's a jolt back into the work week and the inevitable start to activities that comprise our overbooked calendars. I don't think I need coffee more than I find myself needing it on Monday mornings in order to hit the ground running. This Monday I decided to pick up coffee for my coworkers. My friend and coworker L.S. was up all night with her child and despite this fact, managed to drag herself into work. Mom's like L.S. are heroes...but this Monday I was hers!!!! L.S. referenced the Tom and Gerry clip above to describe how tired she was. Enjoy!!! For all you hard working peops out there, don't forget to stop and take moments to enjoy life. Simple pleasures like coffee on a Monday morning (as necessary as it may be), a clip from you tube that makes you pee your pants from laughter, time in God's word and time in prayer. Whatever it may be...stop to enjoy it and relish it and above all, give thanks for those moments. Trust me, you won't remember the excessively busy moments, but the ones that brought you a little joy and a moment of serenity are the ones that will get you through life.