If you find yourself striving, if you find yourself weary,if you are tarrying in hope, may this prayer bring you comfort. May it make haste in reminding you that we needn't rely on our own strength to sustain us. We will tire...we will lose steam and eventually our efforts will leave us devoid of the life that was well intentioned to glorify HIM at that rate. May your faith and the source of your strength be that of an Oak...firmly planted and rooted in HIM. ~MEL
"Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit," says the Lord Almighty.
~ Zechariah 4:6~
Lord, empower me by Your Spirit today. I do not want to do anything out of vanity or just trying to "climb every mountain" on my own. I long to be led by Your Spirit, not by human initiative and man-inspired positive thinking. Please help me to be a positive, joyful person, full of Your Spirit, inspired by Your Word, and busy about Your work as I go through daily life. I pray that all I do will glorify You and be evidence of Your power and Your might and Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.