Time has gone by much too quickly...but even that does not excuse me not getting this up sooner. A thousand pardons I beg. For everyone who supported our team in prayer or without making their support known publicly...this is for you. I hope you will be encouraged by my attempt to capture our experience in the Dominican Republic. It leaves much to be desired I realize...so if you have specific questions or want elaboration...just contact me!
All My Love,
October 20, 2008
Dear Friends and Supporters,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your love, prayers and financial support for the FUSION Dominican Republic Mission Team. The trip was immensely fruitful. Praise God!! Our team arrived very late on Sunday the 12th and most of us have already returned to our daily routine. As I have been processing what I experienced personally and what we as a team were able to share through this experience, I am completely blown away by God’s love and his never ceasing provision to his beloved children. Although we did back breaking work, I am more refreshed than I have been in a long time. We serve a God who would see fit to refresh our weary spirits. Amen? As supporters and active participants in God’s ministry, I am excited to give account of what God did in the D.R.
We were privileged to work with the Rowley Family. Craig and Libby are the couple who head up the Kids Alive Program in Constanza. Craig runs the construction projects and Libby heads up the Care Center and Sponsorship Program. She also coordinates the Arc House, which is a live in facility for some of the at risk children in Constanza. The Care Center provides a before and after school program for the Kids that are sponsored through Kids Alive. The program includes a time for a bible lesson and a craft or activity connected to the scriptural lesson for that day. The Care Center also provides a meal to the kids that in some cases, constitutes the only nourishment they may have all day! Along with a formalized bible lesson, they also get help with their homework. On Wednesday, we spent an entire day helping the morning and afternoon kids make Christmas Cards for their sponsors. One of our team members is a worship pastor and he led the kids in a time of music which went over very well! We did have other pockets of time on Thursday and Friday to play with the kids at the Arc and that was some of the richest time for me personally.
Our team spent the majority of our time working on the property. We dug out dirt and gravel which we piled in order to mix concrete and then we laid a concrete driveway for their donation center. Our team building exercises in preparation for this trip, allowed for us to get a great system down in order to keep up with the demands of digging and shoveling rock as well as sand all day! We also hauled concrete debris, pulled nails from faulty foundation posts and moved them out of the worksite. We moved an entire shed of equipment and tools across the property and organized it into their new space. We were able to do multiple sweeps across the property picking up trash and glass. If this is any indication of God’s awesome work through us, our team was able to accomplish in two days, what Craig had planned for us the entire week. Needless to say, this allowed us to do above and beyond what Craig dreamed we would accomplish! I say this not to boast of our team, but to say that God used us to bless them with getting extra work done for them. In addition, the funds we raised were in excess of $7,000 which we donated to the Rowley’s to open up two school rooms by spring! What a blessing! God is so good!
Lastly, I want to share that most of all, I was struck by God’s AGAPE (Unconditional) Love. When he says that he will never forsake his people…I see it lived out at Kids Alive in Constanza. When I ponder on the forgotten children and the defiled children that are brought through the gates of the Arc Home, it is so amazing to see God’s healing hand and his love changing the very composition of these children completely! When the children should have no reason to trust anyone or open up, because of Christ’s Love demonstrated to them, they are freed up to demonstrate such joy and affection to the teams that come through! I was so blown away by the hearts of the children for one another. They were always willing to look out for one another and give up what little they had for one another! That’s the Gospel right there!
Thank you again for the privilege of representing the Body of Christ by the simple and small acts done with great love! It is an experience that has challenged me, changed me, grown me, encouraged me and ultimately it has reminded me of God’s Love for his people from one corner of the Earth to the other. Even in the direst of circumstances and the darkness that exists in this world...He is our Light and His people are not forgotten!
With Warm Regards,